Not everyone likes the Eucharist
This past Sunday the Gospel reading continued it's journey through John 6. This multi-week emphasis on the Bread Of Life discourse should help us reflect more deeply on Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist. As I shared previously this is the font & summit of our lives, both individually and as a catholic community. It is the principle source of spiritual nourishment for our souls. Yet, not everyone is a big fan. I'm not speaking here of Fundamentalist objections to transubstantiation, but about the very real spiritual world in which we live. This was brought home to me in a very personal way this past Sunday. While attending mass with my two oldest daughters I noticed a young woman sitting in the very front acting very strangely. I had discerned that she was under the influence of an evil spirit, particularly of a sexualized and sacrilegious one (for more on discernment of spirits see 1 Cor. 12). I had the very distinct impression that she was going to do something ...