Trust Me

The LORD said to Abram: 
“Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.
“I will make of you a great nation,and I will bless you; 
I will make your name great,so that you will be a blessing. 
I will bless those who bless youand curse those who curse you. 
All the communities of the earthshall find blessing in you.”
Abram went as the LORD directed him. (Genesis 12:1-4)
Trust me. That is what God asked of Abram. Trust me that I will show you the way, that I will lead you, that my promises are sure. God’s call didn’t come with many details. Abram would have to trust that God would fill in the blanks along the way.

It’s so easy to get hung up on the details; to lose the forest for the trees. How often do we wish God would be more specific with us?  How many hear that initial calling from God but fail to follow because they want more details? But, just like using the GPS in your car, God usually doesn’t tell you what Step 2 is before you’ve completed Step 1. The role of faith is trusting that God will be there to guide you along the way when you cannot see what is ahead.

I can think of times in my life when I’ve taken the plunge, trusted God, and witnessed his provision. When I was working as a youth minister at a parish in Maryland I had decision to renew my contract for another year. There were issues with the staff that made working there an uphill battle and undermined much of the work I was doing with the youth. My wife and I prayed and had peace that God was telling us not to stay there, but he wasn’t telling us where to go or what to do. When the time came I told the pastor that I would not return for the next year. I had no job prospects, an expiring apartment lease and a wife & new baby. We were preparing to move in with Lisa’s grandmother in Missouri when I was invited for an interview at a Catholic high school in Michigan. I was offered a position as a religion teacher one month before we had to move from our apartment. It was a step in faith to turn down the offer to renew my contract. It was only after I made that decision that I even became aware of the teaching position in Michigan through a chance encounter with a friend who knew a guy that worked for the diocese there.

I’d like to say I’ve always been so faithful, but I know there have been other times when I was too hesitant to take that first step in following God’s lead because I wanted more information and details.

What is God calling you to do? What is that first step that he’s asking you to take? Will you be like Abram and go, or will or stay and insist on more details being worked out first?


Jeanie said…
Hello. I saw your blog on the "New Catholic Blogs" site and thought I'd point out my own:

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